Custom Query (1134 matches)


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Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#1051 готово Изменить тип столбца `number_order` с varchar на integer san Denis_N

Нужно изменить тип столбца number_order на integer: alter table history modify column number_order integer default null;

  • не изменится, если в столбце есть пустые строки, т.е. те, которые не содержать NULL, а просто пустоту "", поэтому необходимо их заменить на NULL:

update history set number_order = NULL where number_order = "";

#1106 готово Необходимо создать процедуру в MYSQL для работы ревизии 201 san Denis_N


CREATE PROCEDURE mismatchQuery(min int, max int, searchName varchar (100), searchSerial varchar (100), searchComment varchar (10000)) READS SQL DATA

BEGIN set @prevtotal := 0; set @mintotal := 0; select * from (select *, @mintotal as mintotal, @prevtotal := @mintotal - total as prevtotal from (select products.serial, history.uid,, from history inner join (select uid, count(uid) as total from history where (type_write = "mismatch" or type_write = "repair" or (type_write = "otk" and status = "fail") or (type_write = "testing" and status = "fail")) and comment is not null group by uid) as hist1 on history.uid = hist1.uid inner join products on products.uid = history.uid where ( like searchName and products.serial like searchSerial and history.comment like searchComment) and (history.uid, in (select uid, max(date) from history where (type_write = "mismatch" or type_write = "repair" or (type_write = "otk" and status = "fail") or (type_write = "testing" and status = "fail")) and comment is not null group by uid ) group by products.serial, history.uid,, order by desc) as hist2 where (@mintotal := @minTotal + total)) as hust2 where hust2.mintotal > min and hust2.prevtotal < max; END}


#1168 не будем делать Необходимо создать процедуру в MYSQL для работы ревизии 229 san Denis_N

Эта процедура нужна для правильного отображения строк, когда нажат фильтр в и-е "Несоответствия", который скрывает записи с "ОТК". Без этой процедуры фильтр работает неправильно

DELIMITER } CREATE PROCEDURE mismatchQueryWithoutOtkRows(min int, max int, searchName varchar (100), searchSerial varchar (100), searchComment varchar (10000)) READS SQL DATA BEGIN set @prevtotal := 0; set @mintotal := 0; select * from (select *, @mintotal as mintotal, @prevtotal := @mintotal - total as prevtotal from (select products.serial, history.uid,, from history inner join (select uid, count(uid) as total from history where (type_write = "mismatch" or type_write = "repair" or (type_write = "testing" and status = "fail")) and comment is not null group by uid) as hist1 on history.uid = hist1.uid inner join products on products.uid = history.uid where ( like searchName and products.serial like searchSerial and history.comment like searchComment) and (history.uid, in (select uid, max(date) from history where (type_write = "mismatch" or type_write = "repair" or (type_write = "otk" and status = "fail") or (type_write = "testing" and status = "fail")) and comment is not null group by uid ) group by products.serial, history.uid,, order by desc) as hist2 where (@mintotal := @minTotal + total)) as hust2 where hust2.mintotal > min and hust2.prevtotal < max; END} DELIMITER ;

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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.