Opened 10 years ago

Closed 6 years ago

#130 closed баг (не воспроизводится)

Отсутствует "занято"

Reported by: alx Owned by: alx
Priority: низкий Milestone: 2 очередь
Component: any Keywords:


  1. Абонент 113 вызывает абонента 111.
  2. Абонент 111 отвечает.
  3. Абонент 111 нажимает Flash и вызывает абонента 112. Абонент 113 слышит музыку.
  4. Абонент 112 отвечает на вызов.
  5. Абоненты 111 и 112 одновременно кладут трубки. У абонента 113 - тишина, хотя должно быть "занято".
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Idle: CAS A activity detected, ts=124, flags=0000, data=0
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Idle: CAS event, ts=124, flags=0000, data=7
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Dialtone: DTMF detected, ts=124, flags=0000, data=1
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Dialing: Tone completed, ts=124, flags=0000, data=3
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Dialing: Tone detected, ts=124, flags=0000, data=255
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Dialing: DTMF detected, ts=124, flags=0000, data=1
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Dialing: Tone detected, ts=124, flags=0000, data=255
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Dialing: DTMF detected, ts=124, flags=0000, data=1
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Dialing: Tone detected, ts=124, flags=0000, data=255
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:214: ts 124: dialing 111
sip_ua[592]: user_agent.cpp:938: INVITE received: sip:111@ (Call-ID: 1641778709@(null))
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Calling: Incoming call, ts=-1, flags=0001, data=93
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=125, state=Idle: Incoming call, ts=-1, flags=0001, data=93
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Idle: Incoming call, ts=-1, flags=0001, data=93
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:846: channel 127: ringing
sip_ua[589]: user_agent.cpp:2142: Call 93 routed to TS 127
sip_ua[592]: user_agent.cpp:1058: ---> ringing with status code 180
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Calling: Remote is ringing, ts=124, flags=0000, data=92
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Ringing: CAS event, ts=127, flags=0000, data=7
sip_ua[589]: comcerto.cpp:3462: channel 127: answer
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Connected: RTP parameters, ts=127, flags=0000, data=93
sip_ua[589]: comcerto.cpp:4002: --> ts 127: codec PCMA, VAD is on
sip_ua[589]: comcerto.cpp:4003: --> audio pt: 8/8, event pt: 101/101, VBD pt: 98/98
sip_ua[589]: comcerto.cpp:4057: ts 127: starting RTP stream to 02:ad:c3:00:00:06
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Calling: RTP parameters, ts=124, flags=0000, data=92
sip_ua[589]: comcerto.cpp:4002: --> ts 124: codec PCMA, VAD is on
sip_ua[589]: comcerto.cpp:4003: --> audio pt: 8/8, event pt: 101/101, VBD pt: 98/98
sip_ua[589]: comcerto.cpp:4057: ts 124: starting RTP stream to 02:ad:c3:00:00:06
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Calling: Call answered, ts=124, flags=0000, data=92
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Connected: Statistics received, ts=127, flags=0000, data=0
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Connected: Statistics received, ts=127, flags=0000, data=0
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Connected: Tone completed, ts=124, flags=0000, data=3
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Connected: Statistics received, ts=124, flags=0000, data=0
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Connected: Statistics received, ts=124, flags=0000, data=0
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Connected: CAS event, ts=127, flags=0000, data=15
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Connected: CAS event, ts=127, flags=0000, data=7
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:280: ==> flash pressed
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Connected: RTP parameters, ts=124, flags=0000, data=92
sip_ua[589]: comcerto.cpp:4002: --> ts 124: codec PCMA, VAD is on
sip_ua[589]: comcerto.cpp:4003: --> audio pt: 8/8, event pt: 101/101, VBD pt: 98/98
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Dialtone: RTP parameters, ts=127, flags=0000, data=93
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Dialtone: Call answered, ts=127, flags=0000, data=93
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Dialtone: DTMF detected, ts=127, flags=0000, data=1
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Dialing: Tone completed, ts=127, flags=0000, data=3
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Dialing: Tone detected, ts=127, flags=0000, data=255
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Dialing: DTMF detected, ts=127, flags=0000, data=1
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Dialing: Tone detected, ts=127, flags=0000, data=255
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Dialing: DTMF detected, ts=127, flags=0000, data=2
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Dialing: Tone detected, ts=127, flags=0000, data=255
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:214: ts 127: dialing 112
sip_ua[592]: user_agent.cpp:938: INVITE received: sip:112@ (Call-ID: 2056579934@(null))
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Connected: Incoming call, ts=-1, flags=0001, data=97
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=125, state=Idle: Incoming call, ts=-1, flags=0001, data=97
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:846: channel 125: ringing
sip_ua[589]: user_agent.cpp:2142: Call 97 routed to TS 125
sip_ua[592]: user_agent.cpp:1058: ---> ringing with status code 180
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Calling: Remote is ringing, ts=127, flags=0000, data=96
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=125, state=Ringing: CAS event, ts=125, flags=0000, data=7
sip_ua[589]: comcerto.cpp:3462: channel 125: answer
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=125, state=Connected: RTP parameters, ts=125, flags=0000, data=97
sip_ua[589]: comcerto.cpp:4002: --> ts 125: codec PCMA, VAD is on
sip_ua[589]: comcerto.cpp:4003: --> audio pt: 8/8, event pt: 101/101, VBD pt: 98/98
sip_ua[589]: comcerto.cpp:4057: ts 125: starting RTP stream to 02:ad:c3:00:00:06
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Calling: RTP parameters, ts=127, flags=0000, data=96
sip_ua[589]: comcerto.cpp:4002: --> ts 127: codec PCMA, VAD is on
sip_ua[589]: comcerto.cpp:4003: --> audio pt: 8/8, event pt: 101/101, VBD pt: 98/98
sip_ua[589]: comcerto.cpp:4057: ts 127: starting RTP stream to 02:ad:c3:00:00:06
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=125, state=Connected: Statistics received, ts=125, flags=0000, data=0
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=125, state=Connected: Statistics received, ts=125, flags=0000, data=0
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Calling: Statistics received, ts=127, flags=0000, data=0
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Calling: Statistics received, ts=127, flags=0000, data=0
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Calling: Call answered, ts=127, flags=0000, data=96
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Connected: Tone completed, ts=127, flags=0000, data=3
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=125, state=Connected: Statistics received, ts=125, flags=0000, data=0
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=125, state=Connected: Statistics received, ts=125, flags=0000, data=0
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Connected: Statistics received, ts=127, flags=0000, data=0
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Connected: Statistics received, ts=127, flags=0000, data=0
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Connected: CAS event, ts=127, flags=0000, data=15
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=125, state=Connected: CAS event, ts=125, flags=0000, data=15
sip_ua[592]: user_agent.cpp:1261: ---> REFER in call received
sip_ua[589]: comcerto.cpp:3489: ts 125: ua_hangup() error -1
sip_ua[592]: user_agent.cpp:1261: ---> NOTIFY in call received
sip_ua[592]: user_agent.cpp:938: INVITE received: sip:113@ (Call-ID: 1870463174@(null))
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=125, state=Idle: Replace call, ts=125, flags=0000, data=97
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Connected: Replace call, ts=124, flags=0000, data=92
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Connected: RTP parameters, ts=124, flags=0000, data=101
sip_ua[589]: comcerto.cpp:4002: --> ts 124: codec PCMA, VAD is on
sip_ua[589]: comcerto.cpp:4003: --> audio pt: 8/8, event pt: 101/101, VBD pt: 98/98
sip_ua[589]: comcerto.cpp:4057: ts 124: starting RTP stream to 02:ad:c3:00:00:06
sip_ua[592]: user_agent.cpp:1261: ---> BYE in call received
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=127, state=Idle: Call disconnected, ts=127, flags=0000, data=93
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=125, state=Idle: RTP parameters, ts=125, flags=0000, data=100
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=125, state=Idle: Call answered, ts=125, flags=0000, data=100
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Connected: Statistics received, ts=124, flags=0000, data=0
sip_ua[589]: fxs.cpp:349: ---> ts=124, state=Connected: Statistics received, ts=124, flags=0000, data=0

Change History (1)

comment:1 by alx, 6 years ago

Resolution: не воспроизводится
Status: newclosed

На современных версиях не воспроизводится. Видимо, починено.

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